We as Eucharistic family one in Christ Jesus are called to serve. Our parish serves a number of communities; we serve the catholic inmates at three penitentiaries, we assist the pregnancy center, we serve in the Suwannee, Hamilton, and Mayo health center, and we visit nursing homes just to name a few.
Please contact the parish office for more information on how you can fulfill your calling and serve your community.

Pastoral Council
The Pastoral Council meets in the Parish Hall.

Religious Article Store
The parish has a catholic religious article store that is open on Sundays after mass.

Donut Ministry
Please join us for Coffee, Donuts & Fellowship after the 9:00 am Mass.

Council of Catholic Women
The Council of Catholic Women (CCW) is to foster Faith, Hope, and Charity in our parish of Saint Francis Xavier here in Live Oak, Florida. The CCW of our parish meets September through June the First Saturday of every month in the Parish Hall at 5:00 pm, for more information contact our parish.
Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic fraternal service organization. Founded by Father Michael J. McGivney in New Haven, Connecticut, in 1882, it was named in honor of the explorer Christopher Columbus. Originally serving as a mutual benefit society to working class and immigrant Catholics in the United States, it developed into a fraternal benefit society dedicated to providing charitable services, including war and disaster relief, actively defending Catholicism in various nations, and promoting Catholic education.
If you are a Catholic male over the age of 18 (or know of one) and not in the Knights of Columbus, we encourage you to join this great fraternal organization of the Catholic Church that is founded on the principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism.
The Knights of Columbus meets once a month on the first Monday of each month at 5:00 pm in the parish hall. For more information please contact our parish.

Prison Ministry
Father Pablo and Father Heriberto visit our local prisons to bring the word of God to those incarcerated.
“I was in prison and you visited me” — Matthew 25:36

Pregnancy Care Center
Our parish supports the local pregnancy care center as a viable option for life.

Nursing Homes
We regularly visit nursing homes on a monthly and requested basis. This is part of the role of the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion who bring the eucharist to catholics in our local nursing homes.

Outreach Ministry
If interested reach out to the Parish Office for more information on serving at the Our Outreach Ministry has partnered with Catholic Charities as we reach out to our neighbors in need of food assistance in our community. Every other Wednesday we give out food from catholic social services to people in need.

Respect Life
“Love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another.” (John 13:34-35)
Respect Life is a ministry that calls the Catholic Community together to protect and promote the dignity and respect of human life from conception to natural death.

Movimiento Papa Juan XXIII
The John XXIII Movement is an international association of the faithful, established according to the canons of Canon Law of the Catholic Church, and inspired by the principles that emanated from the Second Vatican Council. It was born in Puerto Rico, in the Diocese of Arecibo, created under the pontificate of Pope John XXIII, to be “an evangelization movement” and to work mainly for those far from the Church and also marginalized from society. The John XXIII Movement does not work for itself, it seeks to be a leaven and serve as a launching pad; it works out. A movement that from its origins goes out in search of the forgotten and the marginalized, the most remote, those who, because of their problems, live anonymously in life, thinking that the Gospel cannot be preached to them and they need someone to Find and announce Jesus Christ to them: it is the John XXIII Movement. In fulfilling this Mission, the John XXIII Movement has its own mysticism, a charism, a gift that the Lord has entrusted to it, a spirituality of authentic service, framed in Love, Surrender and Sacrifice and expressed in this option of life: “With Christ All, Nothing Without Christ.”
The John XXIII Movement meets on Mondays at 7:00 pm in the parish hall. Meetings are generally held in spanish.

Holy Land Pilgrimage
A Holy Land Pilgrimage of Thanksgiving on Thanksgiving with Fr. Tony Basso & Fr. Joseph
A bilingual pilgrimage from November 19 to November 28, 2023 with a cost of $4,399 (leaving from Jacksonville, FL). Please contact Father Tony Basso for more information and reservations.